Thursday, November 6, 2008

Equality of Opportunity vs. Equality of Outcome

Equality of rights does not mean equality of results. I can have all the equal treatment in the world on a golf course and I will not finish within shouting distance of Tiger Woods.

When arbitrary numerical "goals" or "quotas" under affirmative action are not met, the burden of proof is put on the employer to prove that he did not discriminate against minorities or women. No burden of proof whatever is put on the advocates of "goals" or "quotas" to show that people would be equally represented in jobs, colleges or anywhere else in the absence of discrimination.

While people may be treated the same, all their behaviors are not.


"The field is wide open for a new generation on the right to start all over again--in the tradition of Ronald Reagan, free men and free markets--speaking to the voters who might still prize a vision of America that was not clearly offered in this campaign."

Welcome to "Republican Rock Bottom."

"Possessed of no vision, no principle, no purpose, and no appeal, we deserved our fate." Well said. Maybe its time for a new Conservative Party, however.